How are we different
Individuals and families can appreciate an enduring supply of fresh, raw nutritious milk - an item frequently alluded to as “nature's ideal food.” Indeed, only a couple of foods can equal fresh raw milk’s dietary advantages, and nutritionists and doctors recommend it for individuals of any age bracket. That is the reason Shuddham’s™ Dairy enthusiastically rises every morning with the sun to keep the highly nutritious milk supply ever flowing.
At shuddham™, every day is loaded with giving new motivation to buyers and consumers, whose priority is to consume fresh quality milk. We believe in keeping a pristine and hygienic atmosphere in our packing facility; hence, we employ the latest cutting edge technologies in our packing & Dispatch shed so as to guarantee that our milk does not catch any bacterias. We operate a minimum no-contact production rule because we know that untouched milk is the best quality milk with zero impurity or contamination. That is the reason our brand is synonymous with purity and health.
Benefits of Shuddham™ Milk

Our Natural, fresh milk is a total sustenance, stacked with various minerals, vitamins, and protein.
It holds an astonishing number of minerals running from phosphorus and calcium to other minor elements.
It contains about 20 essential amino acids which may be lacking in the pasteurized form.
Shuddham™ milk is bounteous in calcium — incredible for its advantages for bones and teeth formation.
It is additionally stacked with a number of enzymes that have a variety of health benefits.
Our Raw milk buzzes with valuable microbes that help assimilation, digestion, as well as protect against pathogenic organisms (organisms that cause diseases).
Why buy milk from us
We are known to the fact that these days, it's really very difficult to get pure milk without any dilution and adulteration. We have been living in Meerut from last 32 years and today also people do not believe in the purity and like to see milk production in front of them. But out of 10 people, may be 2 can invest that much time.
Most of the people don't care much and drink any type of milk without knowing the factors that affect the quality of milk. 80% of the milk is produced from the cattle who are given only dry fodder and rubbish feed. The reason for that is costing. Most of the dairy shops and dairy owners collect milk from farmers. The farmers are paid very less and the milk is then processed and sold to retailers. Since the amount paid to the farmer is way too low, it affects their feed costing and then they are forced to give cheap feed without any proper diet.
Customers think that they are consuming fresh milk which however is a dangerous drink. The effects are unknown which shows an adverse result in long run. Contaminated milk can even cause cancer.
At Shuddham™, we are committed to using all our available resources to their best in order to make sure that what you get is the highest quality. We source A2 milk from farmers around Meerut and Mawana for complete freshness and the milk is also lab tested for A2 Protein. We have hired experienced staff to check the quality of milk as well. These cows are provided with best foods and we don’t give these cows any hormones in order to produce more milk. This is what results in the production of pure and healthy milk which is free of any additives, hormones, or pollution. Moreover,